Sunday, October 30, 2011


Since last writing on this blog a list of spectacular experiences have occurred. That night, after giving the bum the money, I received an unexpected $200. The next day I gave another bum money, but this time I doubled it. To no avail I received no unexpected money that day. Matter of fact, after I gave that bum some money, so many other bums came to me and asked for money. I was irritated by the fact that all these bums were attracted to me now. It wasn't a good feeling associated with the giving this time. Later on I thought about what I had done differently. I came to the conclusion that I was expecting to receive some money for my giving it away, and that, in itself, eliminated the thought in my mind that money flows freely in my life. The giving coupled with the expectation now made the giving a job, instead of just being generous for no reason at all. With that said, I am continuing to update this blog periodically. Not to receive any money, but to reinforce my feeling of gratitude and generosity. That is whats important, the feeling. By giving you this knowledge I know that I already have received the blessings for it. So, I will say it in a different way this time. You don't have to, and I won't me mad if you don't, but feel free to donate as much as you can afford so I can continue spreading this message of good news. If you can't afford to donate, just click on one of the ads on this webpage and share this link on your facebook. Thank you for your time.